Flutter and macOS Catalina
Recently Apple released the Catalina and there are some breaking changes which might affect you

I will be talking about two changes which really mater me as a developer and that might also affect you.
Disk Permission
Security and Privacy Update
Now you don’t have permission to access file and folder from any application irrespective to the Developer. If the app has been created then also that app don’t have permission.
As flutter developers we uses VS CODE, ANDROID STUDIO etc and when you will try to create the app from the VS Code or Android Studio it will complain that the app don’t have the permission.
You don’t have the permission to create the project from ANDROID STUDIO or VS CODE or Terminal to the Desktop, Document etc .
Apple wants that you explicitly give the permission to each app to access files and folders/directory.
What is the Solution ?
Go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Select Full Disk Access
Add all the to which you want to give full access of Files and FOLDER
This approach of asking for permission is similar to the mobile like in mobile applications app asks us for the storage permissions.
bash to ZSH
Bash is now Licensed under GPL v3 because of that Apple moved to ZSH.
Problem: If you wish to ZSH then you will need to update your environments variables. Once you move to ZSH completely bash_profile will become completely invalid. So, your flutter command will not work in your terminal from anywhere (any path)
Solution: ZSH uses .zprofile, zprofile is equivalent to the .bash_profile. You need to add the PATH in the zprofile and your will start supporting all the 3rd party commands i.e flutter etc
You can watch the above video to know the steps.
- Step 1 : Change the Login shell using the command
sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh
- Step 2: Close the terminal and open again ( Login shell changed )
- Step 3: Copy content of .bash_profile to .zprofile
These are two major thing which we might bother us. Now If you take care of these two things nothing is going to bother you in Catalina.